I love finding my work in use on the Internet. This time it’s half the globe away on a blog from France named Le Journal du Net. Their post which I translated using BabbleFish seems to be about a new method for computing retirement points.
My image which they sourced from Fotolia is entitled “Count of Four”. The blog author cropped the image a great deal. Click this Fotolia link to find the image in my portfolio and see a full size version.
I took “Count of Four” in Vancouver BC, Canada on a photo shoot aimed at collecting images for upload to the microstock market. I was with a group of photographers who had organized a “roving” shoot of a local market with behind the scenes access to a print shop. The shop owner graciously allowed us free reign to wander around equipment and snap whatever caught our attention. This counter was sitting on a shelf frozen in time at the count of four. Not sure what antique machine it had been in and how many times it had gone clean around and started over but I’m glad to have found it.
Here is a link to the page where the photo is in use and below is a static screenshot.