Since 2006 I’ve participated in the Olympia Toy Run. It’s a great event bringing together 12,000 plus motorcyclists to donate toys and cash to the Salvation Army for distribution to kids as Christmas Presents in the region.
Last year my whole family enjoyed the event but due to Nut Cracker ballet and Church Choir rehearsals only myself and my amazing boy Brandon enjoyed it.
Our 7:30 AM departure welcomed us with clear skies and a temperature just above freezing. We met Erling Selsted, Teal Van Kirk and Dean Hoopes for breakfast at a local diner then made our way to the event. Parking at the diner was a bit of an adventure as there was still some black ice on the pavement but we managed without dropping the bike. I took some photos at the event which you can view within my Facebook Photo album. Motorcycle Stuff.
As usual the Seattle Cossacks Stunt Team performed as did the Tenino Drill Team.

Seattle Cossacks "Flower", five guys on one vintage Harley.
I mounted a standard definition Flip Video recorder on my bike for the ride this year. Bummer that it slipped a bit and the image went a bit off-kilter. Regardless, it’s cool to see the ride from the perspective of my handle bars. Hope you enjoy it.