Over the course of the next 22 days, 2 men, Father and Son, will be on a journey which will see them travel via motorcycle, ~8500 miles on a pilgrimage to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in Washington DC. I am one of these men, the son.
For many The Wall is hallowed ground, not in a Biblical way, like Moses’ burning bush, but most definitely spiritual. It was with this reverence in mind, Pops and I embarked on this journey this morning, sent off like Paul and Barnabas on a Missionary journey by dear friends and family.
On our trek, we will navigate the continental United States from North to South, West to East, and back again. From Washington State, to Southern California, where we will join the Run For The Wall for a 10-day mission from CA to DC and then from DC home on our own.
The days leading up to our departure, were full of sunshine, “August weather”, the weatherman said. Alas, all things come to an end and so the sun gave way to drizzle before our departure and the drizzle gave way to rain, and the rain let up only to usher in his good friend Downpour. By the time we’d made it halfway into our journey, I’d had my fill of rain as did one of Pops’ saddle bags, and as did one pair of my gloves. Other than the rain, our only adventure this day, was when Pops abruptly pulled off the freeway and declared “The engine just stopped!”. We left knowing his charging system wasn’t working properly, (repairs planned for tuesday in Ontario) so this was a big concern. Ultimately, it was just a case of operator error. A tip to all of you on behalf of Pops, turn the petcock to “reserve” when the bike starts to sputter.
I intend to take pictures along the way. Today I did not, Downpour is somewhat of a bully to cameras. However, I do have two images to share. One is of us just before heading out, and the other is of my gloves drying out.
Thank you to everyone who is praying for us 2 men on our 2 bikes over the course of these 22 days. There is no way we’d make it without you.