Dad and I awoke refreshed in Glenwood Springs, CO to a cool but warming day. Our destination was overnight lodging in Monument Valley, with a detour en route, to Arches National Park. We had no mechanical issues, and no delays. We did encounter one strange, way overpriced gas station. When your tank is near empty though, you take the hand you’re dealt and make the most of it. I wandered the property and snapped a few photos o
f the unique sights.
Inside the National Park we got to talk to several Veterans and one family about what we were doing and why we were doing it. I hope we were an encouragement to them as they visited Arches. Sometimes the trip isn’t about the destination.
OH MY WOW!! Both Arches and Monument give real meaning to Luke 19:40. I turned to Dad while we were reveling in the breathtaking view at Arches, “Can you hear them?” It’s easy to feel really, really small when surrounded by such majesty. No wonder “Every knee will bow at the feet of Jesus”, this is just The Father’s handiwork, a dim reflection of who He is.
Since time was short and one could spend a whole day or more at Arches, we stayed to the main roads and didn’t stray much from parking lots with views instead of hiking anywhere. While I know with certainty, Arches is better when not viewed this way, I was still completely blown away with what we did see. I’ll post a gallery of photos after I get home. For now, here’s a sampler.
We rode another 150 or so miles after leaving Arches to get to Monument Valley. You’ll have to read that post to see pics. Stay tuned!
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