Steak n Shake

A college friend of mine has a blog called The Red Clay Diaries. In it she writes about her adventures as a mom of 3 in Georgia. For some this topic would be boring but Stephanie is a good writer and her family gives her lots of humorous material. I encourage you to check it out sometime.

Her most recent post. It’s Steak n Shake, an’ Ah hayulped! prompted me to drag out a photo of a Steak n Shake I made while on business in Bloomington Illinois. On the West side of town is a Steak n Shake. It’s adjacent to a Hampton Inn where I pretty much lived for a year while working a contract at State Farm. One evening after a thunderstorm fraught day as I pulled into the hotel parking lot I was met with the sun setting directly behind the Steak n Shake. What a view!

I quickly pulled my camera out and snapped a handful of shots through the windshield of my car. Later I removed the rain drops from the windshield that showed up on the image with Adobe Photoshop and this was the result. Hope you like it.

Photo is copyright 2004, Daniel W. Slocum
Steak n Shake

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What is a paintball site doing on a photo blog?

Here’s the answer. I can’t sit still! I’ve just launched Go check it out. log

At you’ll find Airsoft guns, Airsoft Gear, Tippmann Paintball Markers, Tippmann Paintball Guns, RAP4 Paintball Guns, Tactical Gear, Paintball Grenades and more all at 10%-40% below retail. With Fathers Day approaching what better time to purchase a great toy.

Finally, Steelo’s Guns and Outdoors can also supply you with all of the ammunition you need for hunting and sport shooting in WA. If you buy a Firearm sales perth, you can rest assured that we can also supply you with the ammunition you need to enjoy it.

I’ve already purchased an Airsoft bb gun to keep the raccoons away from the garden. 🙂

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Snoqualmie Falls

Memorial Day 2009. My sincere thank you to those who’ve lost loved ones in battle for the freedom I enjoy as a citizen of the United States of America. Today, I thought of you as I drove my family to see friends and Snoqualmie Falls just outside of Seattle Washington.

The falls were beautiful and mighty. May its power as it falls 270 feet be a reminder of the power of a life given in sacrifice and the beauty we all get to enjoy because of it.

Snoqualmie Falls

Image is copyright 2009, Daniel W. Slocum

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Seasonal Waterfall in Gifford Pinchot National Forest

I love waterfalls, any size, any kind. I really love the big ones that blow your mind with awesome thundering power. But sometimes.. little gifts are wondrous and this waterfall is no exception. Traveling along a Forest Service road in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest (WA, USA) last weekend I spotted this unnamed seasonal waterfall by chance as we drove by. I’m glad I did.


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Havanese Rescue Inc. 2009 Calendar

Hi everyone. I’m proud to announce that Havanese Rescue Inc. has chosen to present Coco, our rescued dog, on the cover of their 2009 calendar. I took this image in our backyard about a year ago. Coco is now an integral part of our family and we are proud to share her with the rest of the world.

Order a calendar for yourself and support a great charity. Click Here!
Thanks Havanese Rescue Inc. for trusting us with her.

Calendar Cover

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Facebook Page


Good evening everyone. I wanted to post a note to let you all know that I now have a dedicated facebook page. This isn’t my personal play games and chat it up with old college buddies page. Rather; it’s a page dedicated to just my photography and is classified as a visual artist page on the site.

Please stop by and click the become a fan link. I’ll be posting products for sale in the coming days, and want you to consider artwork or a novelty inspired by art when completing your Christmas shopping.

Thanks, Daniel

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Front Yard Treasure

I had the pleasure of shooting some photos before attending church with my family today. For the past couple of weeks the hydrangeas in the front yard have been slowly fading from deep blue through many shades of purple. It was the hydrangeas that I’ve been wanting to shoot. This morning I achieved that goal. Here is one of the many. Please let me know your thoughts.

Late Season Hydrangea

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It’s Senior Portrait Time

Wow! It’s been too long since I’ve taken the time to post to my photo blog. After a long hard summer filled with a motorcycle crash and the purchase of and moving into a new home I’m finally starting to shoot photos again. Finding and moving into a new home is stressful that’s why if you’re planning to sell your property, consult with a professional and trusted real estate agents cypress, tx.

This post is to draw attention to the fact that I’m a great choice for Senior Photos. For a rate of $100 plus sales tax you’ll get one hour of my time shooting at the location of your choice followed by my spending at least one additional hour processing the photos through Photoshop for optimal color and clarity. All photos are provided on DVD ready for printing at your favorite print maker. Mine happens to be
Usually, this effort yields from 60-100 photos which you can use in any way you desire. Click the images below to see slide shows of two young men I’ve photographed this year.
_MG_1079.jpg     _MG_1161.jpg

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Pele’s Hat, in use on Schmap

Recently I was approached by Schmapp, an online travel guide service. They’d found one of just a few images I’ve posted on Flickr and wanted to incorporate it along with a link back to the Flicker image in one of their travel guides.

The photo is from a brief visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park one afternoon while I was in Hawaii visiting my mom. Mom was recovering from knee surgery in the Hilo hospital and I’d spent the week there visiting. Here’s some info on the photo.

I only had a few hours in the park and it rained pretty much the entire time. I was trying to shoot some images in the desert region near the overlook on the North side of the crater when the clouds broke to the Southwest allowing the late afternoon sun to create a remarkable full arching rainbow in the sky. I snapped several frames when it dawned on me that I was missing the better picture along the Southwest Rift Zone. So, I jumped into the car I’d borrowed and drove like a crazy person around the caldera to get there before the clouds closed in again. Luckily, I traveled the 4 miles or so without incident and had just a few minutes to snap as many shots as possible. The wind was blowing rain right into my face and sulfur output into my lungs. Honestly, it wasn’t comfortable but the result was worth it.

Here’s a link to the image in use on Schmapp.

Click on the photo below to see a larger view of the image. I’ve also included a map of the area.
Pele's hat   map
Here’s some information on Schmap excerpted from
Schmap is a leading publisher of digital travel guides for 200 destinations throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The innovative technology behind Schmap Guides also lets end users publish their own ‘schmaps’ (to share trip itineraries, local reviews and more), and powers a popular range of Schmap Widgets, displaying maps with content and event schedules for travel, sports, concert tours and more on a fast-growing network of websites and blogs. Founded in 2004, Schmap is privately owned and based in Carrboro, North Carolina.

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Bryan Duncan in Concert

Bryan Duncan is one of those guys that just exudes personality. His energy is infectious and his vocals from the bottom of his range to the top, somewhere up there where birdsong is commonplace, will lift you out of your seat and set you to clapping and dancing.

I had the pleasure of shooting photos of Bryan at his recent concert at our church in Tumwater Washington. I wish the photos could convey the amazing story of recovery and redemption Bryan shared with us through his personal testimony and the words of his songs. God has done and is doing an amazing work in Bryan.

If you’ve been a fan of Bryan’s in the past whether it be from his time with the Sweet Comfort Band or his solo years but haven’t circled back to see what he’s been doing lately, I highly encourage you to visit his website and reconnect. Radio Rehab is a free half-hour music program hosted by Bryan available for download to your computer for playback on your portable music device or from your computer. You can also purchase CD’s both old and new. I encourage you to keep an eye on his site for a new release expected soon. Bryan sang several songs from the upcoming disc that really pack a powerful message

Click Bryan’s image below to start the slide show.

Bryan Duncan

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