Recently I was approached by Schmapp, an online travel guide service. They’d found one of just a few images I’ve posted on Flickr and wanted to incorporate it along with a link back to the Flicker image in one of their travel guides.
The photo is from a brief visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park one afternoon while I was in Hawaii visiting my mom. Mom was recovering from knee surgery in the Hilo hospital and I’d spent the week there visiting. Here’s some info on the photo.
I only had a few hours in the park and it rained pretty much the entire time. I was trying to shoot some images in the desert region near the overlook on the North side of the crater when the clouds broke to the Southwest allowing the late afternoon sun to create a remarkable full arching rainbow in the sky. I snapped several frames when it dawned on me that I was missing the better picture along the Southwest Rift Zone. So, I jumped into the car I’d borrowed and drove like a crazy person around the caldera to get there before the clouds closed in again. Luckily, I traveled the 4 miles or so without incident and had just a few minutes to snap as many shots as possible. The wind was blowing rain right into my face and sulfur output into my lungs. Honestly, it wasn’t comfortable but the result was worth it.
Here’s a link to the image in use on Schmapp.
Click on the photo below to see a larger view of the image. I’ve also included a map of the area.

Here’s some information on Schmap excerpted from
Schmap is a leading publisher of digital travel guides for 200 destinations throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The innovative technology behind Schmap Guides also lets end users publish their own ‘schmaps’ (to share trip itineraries, local reviews and more), and powers a popular range of Schmap Widgets, displaying maps with content and event schedules for travel, sports, concert tours and more on a fast-growing network of websites and blogs. Founded in 2004, Schmap is privately owned and based in Carrboro, North Carolina.