Katie and Jason Gross, Married 03/08/2008

Congratulations are in order for Katie (Freeby) and Jason Gross who joined together in marriage this past Saturday. Katie is a long time friend of our family and Jason is such a great guy I’m sure I’ll be calling him that sometime in the near future.

Katie and Jason hired Jen & Jody Photography to shoot their wedding which in my opinion was a great choice. A quick look at the Jen & Jody Photography website shows why they are considered one of the best wedding photography teams in the Northwest and quite possibly the United States. They also have a great blog where they highlight some of their most recent weddings. Be on the lookout there for images of Katie and Jason’s wedding.

I was honored to be asked to backfill Jen & Jody by shooting guest candids and any events during the reception that might not fall into the contractual time window for Jen & Jody. It was a joy to say yes. The wedding party looked great and Katie was a vision.

Thank you Katie and Jason for asking me to be a part of your very special day.

Here are just a couple of 800 or so memories I captured. Click on an image to see a larger version.
smal IMG_3063 Crop copy.jpg small IMG_2821 copy.jpg

Posted in Family, Photography | 3 Comments

SlocumMedia Stock Image in use.

Every now and again I perform a search engine query looking for my stock images in use on the web. It’s hard to locate images in use as most of the royalty free agreements under which my photographs are licensed do not require formal acknowledgment. However, sometimes I get lucky and turn up a photo in use.

Human Blood Click the image to view it in use on the JANSSEN-CILAG website.
My Photo, Human Blood is the featured image in a German web article about a Bone Marrow Transplant treatment developed to help replace marrow that is destroyed by a new chemotherapy procedure.

Confession: Yes, I can speak and read some German but I used an online translator to figure out what the article was about.
If you follow the links in the Stock Photo Outlets section on this page you’ll find hundreds of my images for sale as royalty free stock. Maybe you’ll find something that promotes your blog, your business or is perfect as a design element for church or publication.

Here’s the background on this image.

My son was needing some medical tests a couple of years back. The lab doing the work sent us a blood draw kit with full instructions. I thought it best to leave this sort of thing to the “professionals” so I invited an EMT friend of the family over to help us. It turned out to be pretty hard so I’m glad I did. I snapped this image in our dining room. It wasn’t the best of lighting or the best photo I’ve taken but it’s been licensed several times. And yes, my boy gets a percentage of the proceeds. 🙂

Posted in Photography, Tear Sheets | 3 Comments

Chuckals Office Products

Chuckals General Catalog Chuckals GSA Catalog

I’m proud to announce Chuckals Office Products has made me the featured photographer for 2008 on both their general catalog and their government only (GSA) catalog. For their 2007 General Office Product Catalog Chuckals Office Products purchased the rights to use one of my images. Working with Chuckals has been a great joy that I hope continues for many years to come.

All of the images on the General Catalog are representative of Washington State where Chuckals Office Products is headquartered. The GSA Catalog has images from various branches of military service as well as some iconic images associated with the US Government.

Double click on a thumbnail above to see a larger version of the cover. Or click on of the following links to view a high-resolution scan (large files). General Catalog, GSA Catalog

General Catalog, Clockwise from the top left: Crop Dusting on the Palouse, Fall in Nisqually, Sunset from my home (taken through a window on my second floor), Mt. Rainier from Reflection Lake, Paradise River by Night (Mt. Rainier National Park), Port of Olympia, Geese Taking Flight.

GSA Catalog, Clockwise from the top left: Tripler Army Medical Center, Unknown.. This Air force shot isn’t mine, Bald Eagle, Legislative Building (Washington State Capitol Complex), Training Day (I took this of my soldiers while a Commander in the US Army Reserve), USS Missouri

Posted in Photography, Tear Sheets | 2 Comments

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar EclipseMost of the Northern Hemisphere barring poor weather had the opportunity tonight to view the last lunar eclipse until 2010. To get a good shot of an eclipse you need a quality long lens such as Canon’s new EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM.

I’ve not yet found the $12,000 to buy a lens of that magnitude so I took to shooting the event with a simpler setup. The attached image was shot with an EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III and a Quantaray 2x AF Tele-Converter at f/5.6, 0.8″, 300mm x2. The result has a good amount of digital noise so it won’t be much use except to document the event. More important to me than taking a great image of the eclipse  was the opportunity to spend time with my son watching God’s handiwork and just being boys together. Click the image to see a larger version. Hope you all like it.

Just a quick note. There are quality telescopes with camera mounts that make an excellent platform for stellar photography. I just might have to look into getting a unit before the next eclipse.

Posted in Photography | 4 Comments

Birth Announcement!

Nope.. I’m not announcing an addition to the Slocum family. I’m posting an example of artwork developed using photographs I took of this very handsome new baby on his new joovy zoom 360 ultralight jogging stroller.

Do you or does somebody you know need to update the family photo album with something other than a snapshot? As I did for the Fedak family I’ll come to your home with my portable studio lighting or we can meet “on location” somewhere to create family or individual portraits against the amazing backdrop of the Pacific Northwest.

Because the card stock wasn’t smooth the scan came out somewhat grainy. Double-click on the image to see a larger size.

You can contact me at daniel@danielslocum.com for more information.

Birth Annoucement

Posted in General, Photography, Tear Sheets | 2 Comments

To Hawaii and Back

I’ve recently returned from a week on the Big Island of Hawaii where I visited my Mother as she recovered from a cosmetic surgery, she got a loose skin treatment to improve the looks of her skin at her age. There I was able to train a little following a fitness program to build strength online. It’s impossible for a photographer to go to Hawaii and leave his camera at home so my mom had to suffer a bit and put up with my running around town looking for things to shoot while running errands to pick up my dad or to get take out so she wouldn’t die from eating hospital food.

Click here to see a slide show, or read to the bottom and click on the image.

My days pretty much went like this. Get up early, and work my day job; thank you Linium for letting me work remotely, then I’d pick up lunch and stop at Rainbow Falls (it’s within a block of the hospital) and shoot some images before going to help mom with her physical therapy. Note in the slide show there are several images of Rainbow Falls each with a different feel. It’s amazing how it can change from one day to another. After her therapy was done each day I’d head out to pick up my dad from work. Here’s where the timeline gets muddy. Mom wanted take-out each night. Dad gets off work at 3:30. It didn’t make a great deal of sense to go back to the hospital and then leave again to get food. It also didn’t make good sense to take her food at 3:30 just to have it be cold at dinner. So… Dad and I went looking for subjects to photograph in that short time between picking him up and when mom would be hungry.

While on vacation there in June of 2007 I had the pleasure of taking a helicopter tour of several waterfalls and the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. On this flight we saw many waterfalls that aren’t on any local maps and aren’t generally visited by the public. Dad and I set out to find them.

Waterfall from OK Farms A Google search revealed that OK Farms, in association with two tour companies, offers views of several falls along the Wailuku river. Mr. Keolanui and Mr. Olson, proprietors of OK Farms, graciously offered to let us come out independent of the tour companies and photograph whatever we wished. We went out to the farm on two different days and experienced kindness and generosity on each occasion. The first day Troy Keolanui drove us around the farm in his 4×4 and showed us the lay of the land before letting us loose to enjoy it at our own pace. The second trip Mr. Olson gave us samples of OK Farms produce and coffee. The produce we ate on the spot and wow was it delicious. The coffee, I brought home and have been enjoying it brewed in my French Press. As they say in the Islands Mahalo! I’m very grateful to have met these two men and for the chance to roam their property.

Nearby to OK Farms is The Inn at Kulaniapia Falls. We had a little extra time on our Saturday visit so we drove on up hoping to see the falls and to meet the inn keepers. When we arrived we encountered guests that directed us to the back of the main lodge where we met Jane Sutton. Jane and her husband Len have been the inn keepers since 1998. Based on their kindness and location I don’t expect they will have any problems extending that run as long as they desire.

After chatting with Jane about the property we secured permission to photograph the falls from their back deck and enjoy the walking trail to it’s base. The day of our visit coincided with a week of very heavy rain which produced a huge volume of water thundering over the falls. The inn does offer swimming in the pond or in the pool with the best heaters look at this now to find more about this.

On Sunday I took a break from both visiting mom and from church so I could wander through the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The day was very uneventful from a photographers perspective as it rained sideways rain all day long. At about 3:30 I’d nearly given up when the clouds to the South started to break creating a large rainbow. Naturally I started shooting. I was in a section of the park that was mostly Ohia trees and scrubby bushes. After a few minutes there it hit me! The sun is from the South. If I fly like the wind to the Southwest Rift Zone, the rainbow, if it was still there, would be hanging directly above the Kilauea Caldera and the Halema’uma’u crater which consumes it’s Southern end. Like a crazy man I drove there in hopes that I wasn’t too late. I was blessed upon my arrival with about 2 minutes of rainbow before the clouds closed in once again. Those two minutes made the entire dreary day worthwhile.

I hope you enjoy the handful of images from the week that I’ve assembled into a slide show. The trip’s focus wasn’t on photography but in what little free time I had, or stole, these images were snapped. Click on the image below to start the show.
Waterfall from OK Farms

Posted in Family, Photography | 3 Comments

New wedding page added. Check it out!

Steve and MichelleThought I’d point you all to the new Wedding Page that’s part of this Blog. You can get there from the link at the top of every page. Or..  you can click on Steve and Michelle’s picture.

Posted in Photography | 2 Comments

Bridal Veil Falls

Bridal Veil Falls The Columbia River Gorge is one amazing place. Within a 10 mile stretch of the Historic Scenic Highway just East of Portland one can hike or drive to some of the Northwest’s most beautiful waterfalls. On a recent drive through the Gorge a friend of mine and I stopped at Bridal Veil falls. Bridal Veil is a two-tiered waterfall that passes just below the roadway. To get to it you need to park in the well marked parking lot and hike the short .25 mile round trip to the bottom. This image is of the lower portion of the falls along with the downstream runoff. If you like the image it’s for sale with varying license options using the stock outlet links on the left. I can also offer signed prints. Contact me directly if you’d like one. daniel@danielslocum.com

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Columbia River Voyage

River Commerce Continue reading

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White Christmas

A great time was had by all as our family visited with my sister and her family in NW Oregon. Here are a couple of shots I took while romping through the woods on their property. The two littles ones are mine, Brandon and Crysten. The “woodsman” in the photos is Ron, my Brother-in-law and the young lady is my niece Kyla.

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