This post might be a little long.. if you want to cut to the chase click here to buy a great song on iTunes to defray medical expenses for Anna Joy’s care.
Over the 2011 Christmas Holiday many of my closest friends were glued to the story of baby Anna Joy, a miracle from Heaven born with two serious heart defects. We prayed, we cried, we rejoiced, we prayed and cried and prayed some more. Through it all Anna Joy, while not of our flesh and blood, became family to hundreds of thousands of people across the globe.
Alissa and Matt Peppley (Anna Joy’s Parents) are the kind of friends I know I could run to if necessary in a crisis and they’d be there with arms and hearts
open to help any way they could. It has been an honor to assist in the publication of this song, to pray and hold them up in a time of great stress and crisis.
A few days before Anna Joy was born, Kathy Kerber, a singer songwriter who attends our church, wrote “Safe in His Hands (a song for Anna Joy)”. In her blog Alissa mentions singing the chorus over Anna Joy. “Safe in His Hands” is a song of courage and faith in Jesus sung to a precious girl by a deeply loving mother.
If you were present at the memorial service for Anna Joy you’d have heard this song sung by Alissa. Our great friend John Burch, of SpiritBorne Productions, selflessly recorded the song with Alissa singing and Kathy playing piano for use as the background to a very compelling video of Anna and her family. We love you John! Thanks for the hard work and gift of your immense talent and scarce time. It is so very much appreciated.
From the beginning, Kathy Kerber intended this song to be given away just as God had “given” it to her; to be a blessing and comfort in a time of deep emotional turmoil. Alissa and Matt desire that this song encourage others as it has encouraged them. So, I approached my friend Matt Kees, Cofounder of Christian Musician Summit, accomplished musician and Producer to see if he could help us. My desire was in line with both Kathy and the Peppley’s, to see God glorified and encourage people. However, I wanted to go above and beyond and if possible get Kathy much deserved exposure and have the song published to iTunes and other media outlets. Matt Kees was the key to make that happen.

Alissa (top) and Kathy (bottom) recording "Safe In His Hands".
Matt arranged, performed, and recorded all the instrumentation then invited us up to record vocals at his studio in Puyallup. He answered many questions I had about the publishing process and was overwhelmingly gracious to us in every aspect of our project.
I confidently recommend both John Burch and Matt Kees for any of your recording needs. Matt Kees’ website is found here. John Burch’s studio can be reached here. (360) 866-2021
If you’ve read this far and maybe even followed some of the links then you might be wondering how to hear this great song. You might even want to help the Peppley family with medical expenses or possibly donate to charity in support of families and children facing similar hardship. Good News! You can do both at the same time. By downloading “Safe in His Hands” you get to be encouraged by the song while supporting a great cause. All monies received from the sale of the song go to cover medical expenses. When God blesses above that need with additional funds, those will be donated to other families in need. Click here or on the album art to purchase “Safe in His Hands” on iTunes and be a part of this amazing story.
Other places you can purchase Safe in His Hands., Rhapsody, and Zune
Alissa’s blog. Please read Anna’s story here.