Photoshop Touch Ups and Editing

Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful tool. With it you can you can take an average photo and make it shine, you can remove blemishes and years from a portrait of your “Dear Aunt Sally”, you can combine elements from multiple images to form an entirely new photograph and you can even create images from nothing.

This post is here to highlight what I mean by Touch Ups and Editing when I give my clients a quote for prints or work done after the photo shoot.


The below images are of my Sister-in-law Susan. She’s an attractive lady for sure and both images reflect that. But as you notice in the original, “forgive me Susan”, there are a few indicators that she’s not as young as she used to be.

Click on the images to make them larger.

Susan OriginalSusan After

Here’s what I did during the touch up process.

  1. Corrected the luminosity. This brings out the natural glow in her skin tones while reducing the number of pores we can see. This technique is used in Glamor shots for print magazines and advertisements.
  2. Removed a mole from near her right eye. (Camera left)
  3. Diminished crows feet and lines under her eyes.
  4. Diminished lines on her neck.
  5. Diminished lines on the bridge of her nose and between her eyebrows.


Editing is much harder work than touching up photos because with editing a big change is going to take place and if I don’t get it right it’s seen right away as an obvious fake.

In these examples of editing I’ve merged two images to make an entirely new image of my niece Crystal and I’ve changed the original green jacket color of my friend Jenni to purple which adds contrast and visual interest to her photo. On other technology related news, take a look at how you can prevent apt attacks.

Click on the images to see a larger view.

Crystal Photo 1 Crystal Photo 2 New image -> Crystal Final

Jenni Original New image -> Jenni Purple

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2 Responses to Photoshop Touch Ups and Editing

  1. dslocum says:

    Thanks Miss Liss.

  2. apeppley says:

    Great examples. It’s fun to look at the changes.

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